Sunday, October 16, 2011

‎"It doesn't matter how much time you have, just what you decide to do with it"

I really like this quote. What it's saying is that time doesn't matter, all that really matters is what you do during the time you have. It's pretty self explanatory. How will you spend your time here on Earth? Will you go to jail, steal, kill people, travel the world, fight for your country, save the world, help feed the hunger, stand for what you believe in, save a life, charity?  "It doesn't matter how much time you have, just what you decide to do with it", will you use your time doing bad things, such as killing people or stealing or anything like that? Or would you do good, things as charity work, save a life, or feed the hungry? Good things may be able to change your life around, or one really bad thing could change your life. What ever way you choose God will be watching and will love you no matter what, but you still need to do good in order to go to Heaven. God doesn't leave your sight not even for a millisecond. God is your judge.

Make every moment like you were going to die the next day or even the next minute. If you knew you were going to die the next minute how would you live your life? Would you still do bad, or would you do good? I hope you would pick good. Because bad does nothing for you. Think about it, all it does is lead you to more and more trouble. Good leads you to happiness and less and less trouble.

"It doesn't matter how much time you have, just what you decide to do with it". I agree with this quote 100%. Some people have a few months to live, and some people live to 18, or even 105 years. If you live to 18, would you want to do good? 18 isn't an old age. Sure most 18 year old's party and drink, and get in trouble. But if you knew you would die the next day, would you of wanted to drink and party? Really think about it. Would you? I hope not.  Life is to precious to waste. Live with love and light.

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