Monday, October 31, 2011

"all we have is now"

"All we have is now." It's so true! We are not promised tomorrow. We are only promised the moment right now. You or I could die in a minute. Live like you don't have another second. Make sure you say everything you need to today because your not promised tomorrow.

"All we have is now." We don't have another time but now. The past already happened and you can't go back, no matter how much you want to. The future isn't promised for us so "all we have is now." You can only live for now. There isn't any way around it. You can think and live for the future but that isn't going to help your life right now.

"All we have is now" we don't have anything else but now. We have friends, family, the music we like, our personality, but that can change tomorrow. Things can change in a second.

"All we have is now." Live like we don't have another moment.

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