"The choices you make show God what your priorities are." This quote is amazing! Think about it, is God you're number one priority? If you said yes, then think really hard about it. What do you do as soon as you wake up? Do you pray, read the Bible, meditate? Or do you read the paper, take a shower, eat? I personally think that you should pray when you get up and substitute the paper with the Bible or switch off days. But I don't know.
How long do you spend praying a day? one minute, 30 minutes, an hour? Now how long do you spend on your phone? one minute, an hour, all day? It's probably a lot. If you use your phone more than pray then maybe God isn't your number one priority. If you party everyday after school or after work and you go to church every Sunday, then God is defiantly not your number one priority. Doing drugs isn't necessarily what God wants you to do. He wants you to pass His word along.
If we all put God as are first priority what would the world be like? I think there wouldn't be any offensive language, offensive looks, or offensive talking. Nor would there be war, the world be at peace and love everyone. If we all put God first there wouldn't be any judgment towards other people and we would be okay with living in our own skin and we would be okay with being dIfFeReNt. We would love one another as well as our selves. We would be so so so much happier! We would see light in everything and in everyone, we wouldn't put people down.
Why did God have to give us free will? With free will we make life so awful! Media has drawn girls and guys to eating disorders, media is using a new level of violence for little kids even. People kill people. That's like a lion killing and eating a lion. That's not right! People have gone to believe that a baby isn't a baby until the child is born, when clearly the heart is beating in the womb. Music has so many curse words and inappropriate things. Why can't the world be good?
"The choices you make show God what your priorities are." Is God your number one priority? He should be.
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