Monday, November 7, 2011

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle"

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." This is so true. Think about it. Are you struggling with something? More than likely. Is you're best friend? Probably. So more than likely, someone you don't know that well is too. You don't know their story, you don't know what is going on at home, you don't know what's happening with their social life. What if you were getting bullied while your parents are getting a divorce, you're best friend is doing self harm and you're trying to help him/her, and you have a girlfriend/boyfriend just dumped you because you weren't "good enough" for you. How would that feel? How would you take it? Pretty bad I would think. So if you are bulling someone, put yourself  in their situation and think twice before you do it. Why would you want to bully someone anyways? To make you feel better? Get another hobby to make you feel better like paint, boxing, blog, marshal arts, etc. Why do you want someone to feel less than you? Do you want people to go through what you are at that time, maybe worse things because you are bulling them.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." Why would you want to be mean to someone? I don't understand why people can or want to be mean. I understand if someone did something to you, but it still doesn't give you the right to be mean. You should be nice and kind and sweet to everyone you meet and every one you have met.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

Friday, November 4, 2011

"There is love all around the world"

Isn't amazing to think there is love all around the world? There is someone in love with someone across the world, as well as people on this side. They love the person the same as we do. We would fight for them, care for them, and maybe even die for them. People love people that are across the country from each other. For insistence, mother and children are at home while the father is at war, or the father and children are at home while the mother is at war. 

Love can be hard to live with. You can be fighting, you could disagree with something and so much more. But by the end of something you realize that what ever you were having struggles with was stupid to fight over and you still love them. Love is the greatest key to life. 

Love can also be easy to live with. Some couples hardly ever fight, they disagree with each other but is okay with it, and so much more. You can tell when people are happily in love and who isn't. People who are is always smiling and happy. People who aren't, isn't always happy and some times smile, or maybe a fake smile.

Also when you are a teenager it is interesting to think that your love of your life is walking on this earth right now waiting to see you. I find it weird to think about but it's actually kinda cool. 

"There is love all over the world" and that is true. 

Monday, October 31, 2011

"all we have is now"

"All we have is now." It's so true! We are not promised tomorrow. We are only promised the moment right now. You or I could die in a minute. Live like you don't have another second. Make sure you say everything you need to today because your not promised tomorrow.

"All we have is now." We don't have another time but now. The past already happened and you can't go back, no matter how much you want to. The future isn't promised for us so "all we have is now." You can only live for now. There isn't any way around it. You can think and live for the future but that isn't going to help your life right now.

"All we have is now" we don't have anything else but now. We have friends, family, the music we like, our personality, but that can change tomorrow. Things can change in a second.

"All we have is now." Live like we don't have another moment.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"The choices you make show God what your priorities are."

"The choices you make show God what your priorities are." This quote is amazing! Think about it, is God you're number one priority? If you said yes, then think really hard about it. What do you do as soon as you wake up? Do you pray, read the Bible, meditate? Or do you read the paper, take a shower, eat? I personally think that you should pray when you get up and substitute the paper with the Bible or switch off days. But I don't know.

 How long do you spend praying a day? one minute, 30 minutes, an hour? Now how long do you spend on your phone? one minute, an hour, all day? It's probably a lot. If you use your phone more than pray then maybe God isn't your number one priority. If you party everyday after school or after work and you go to church every Sunday, then God is defiantly not your number one priority. Doing drugs isn't necessarily what God wants you to do. He wants you to pass His word along.

If we all put God as are first priority what would the world be like? I think there wouldn't be any offensive language, offensive looks, or offensive talking. Nor would there be war, the world be at peace and love everyone. If we all put God first there wouldn't be any judgment towards other people and we would be okay with living in our own skin and we would be okay with being dIfFeReNt. We would love one another as well as our selves. We would be so so so much happier! We would see light in everything and in everyone, we wouldn't put people down.

Why did God have to give us free will? With free will we make life so awful! Media has drawn girls and guys to eating disorders, media is using a new level of violence for little kids even. People kill people. That's like a lion killing and eating a lion. That's not right! People have gone to believe that a baby isn't a baby until the child is born, when clearly the heart is beating in the womb. Music has so many curse words and inappropriate things. Why can't the world be good?

"The choices you make show God what your priorities are." Is God your number one priority? He should be.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

"All beautiful you are my darling, there is no flaw in you"

"All beautiful you are my darling, there is no flaw in you" comes from songs of Solomon 4:7. This quote is saying that no matter who you are, or what you have done, you are beautiful, and don't have any flaws. God doesn't make mistakes, so you don't have flaws. You may mess up a lot but you're still perfect in God's eyes. You don't have any flaws, you're perfect. You are still beautiful even what you have done.

I like this quote a lot, "All beautiful you are my darling, there is no flaw in you". You are perfect no matter what. Sure you get bumps in the road but, there just lessons to be learned, not a mistake. There are no mistakes. They are just lessons to learned. You're still perfect though,there is nothing wrong with you.

I personally have a hard time to believe this. I feel like I do have flaws, I've messed up so many times in my life, and I'm not beautiful. But sense it's in the Bible, I try to believe it as much as I can. I also try to believe that there isn't such thing as a mistake. I just can't tell what is and what isn't in most things right now, but that doesn't mean you can't believe in it. You can believe it though. If you want to but you can't, we'll work on it together. But if you do believe in the quote "All beautiful you are my darling there is no flaw in you", than that's awesome and I'm so proud of you!

You are beautiful and flawless, don't forget it! It says so in the Bible "All beautiful you are my darling, there is no flaw in you."-Songs of Solomon 4:7

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"For the love of a daughter"

This is my life story. My dad has never put down the bottle for me. He was late to most of my choir, and orchestra concerts. He was also late to my confirmation, not by much but he still was. He tells me he loves me, but it does sound like a lie. He pretends to care about me. All I think he cares about is my grades, but he could be faking that too. 

He needs to figure out on his own that the only thing that will help are relationship, and bring us closer is for him to put the bottle down. Our relationship has been awful the past year. He doesn't understand that he needs to do something he has only done once before, put down the bottle. He is clueless of that, that's the only thing he has to do. 

He doesn't except me for me for me. He calls me worthless. He hates how close I am to God. He hates the thought that I'm not Jewish. He hates how I treat him. He doesn't like me. I feel like my dad wants nothing to do with me but he covers it up, so I don't know what he wants from me, him, my family, or anything/anyone.

I want to be able to love him and him to love me like a true daughter and father have. I don't have that. He treats me like garbage. I'm tired of it. I don't want to be trash anymore. I want him to love me. A fatherly figure is a guy who cares about the child and love them. Do most teenage girls feel this way about their dad? Am I the only one? 

The song "Love for a daughter" means so much to me. It helps me get out my feeling for my dad. I want to love him but I can't the way he's treating me. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

"Love is Louder than the Pressure to be Perfect"

I had this quote on my hand all day to remind me that "Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect". This week is no fat talk week and I haven't herd much of it, but that could change tomorrow. I need to remember that love is what we need, not perfect. Perfect isn't even real. While I would look down at my hand constantly through out the day, I wrote this little paragraph so I remember "Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect" even if it's not on my hand: 

"Love is Louder than the pressure to be perfect" If you love than people will love you for you. Then you don't have to be someone else because people already like you for you. If one person sees the real you and sees the true you than and be by your side no matter what, why are you striving for this perfect that doesn't even exist? God loves you and sees you for you, and if He doesn't see flaws, why do you want to change? You should live for Him, not someone you run into for 4 years and then leaves. You need to see God and live for him and be happy with all you are because God never leaves you. When you strive for something you're not then you loose your self and you get farther from God. God made you, you,because He needs you now. Not before, not after, not later, but now! There is a reason God made you, you and not someone else. You might not think there is but there is. It might take years to figure out, but be patient, you will find out one day. "Be you because everyone else is taken".

I think Iv'e read that paragraph at least 4 times today. "Love is louder than the pressure of being perfect" is an amazing quote. It is so true because once you get this so called "perfect" body or "perfect" clothes or "perfect" attitude, someone want to change you again. The cycle never ends until you believe in your self and you stop caring what others people think. Once you stop living for other people, you start to love your self more and then you find friends that love you for you. Love is the greatest thing in the world. With out love there would be only sin in the world. No good would have been born. "Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect". When you love and you know someone loves you, than the pressure of being perfect decreases. It decreases because when you know someone loves you for you, you know you don't need to change because you're likable/lovable.